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Based on the Reggio Emilia philosophy, and with a foundation rooted in Jewish values, The Beth Sholom Early Childhood Center provides a learning environment where children can explore, experiment, engage, question and play. With purposeful thinking and planning, our teachers observe and listen to the voice of the child and, through developmentally appropriate curriculum, take them on a hands-on journey of learning.


Through our Judaic curriculum we work to instill a sense of culture, values and traditions, with a deep connection to Israel.


With these ideas in mind, we create a caring and loving community where each child is seen as an equal and active participant in the overall learning.  The ECC is a place where children love to learn!


A peek at our learning . . .

A Taste of Purim

Celebrating Tu B'Shevat by learning, cleaning and planting

Brainstorming about what makes a Jewish home

Toddlers Exploring Shadows

The Magic of Color Mixing

Thanksgiving Celebrations

Pesach around the school

"Visiting" Israel on Yom Ha'atzmaut

It's Box Week!

Fall Art and Leaf Exploration

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