Thankful for an unseasonably warm time to celebrate Sukkot!
It has been beautiful and warm as we enjoy our time in the Sukkah this year. The children watched the shul sukkah being built; made...
A Start to the New Year
As the children are getting adjusted to new classrooms, new teachers & new friends, we are also welcoming in a new year. There is so...
Celebrating Yom Ha'atzmaut
We've been having so much fun experimenting, painting, cutting, counting and more, as we look for ways to learn about Israel and it's...
Preparing for Pesach
We've spent the past month getting ready for Pesach. We explored the square matzah, the round seder plate, the triangle pyramids and the...
Purim Dress Up Day
Dress up day is one of the favorite days of the year! We hope you enjoying seeing all the Purim characters come to life and then some!
We Love Celebrating Purim at the ECC!
We've had so much fun celebrating Adar and getting ready for Purim. We've spent the past several weeks learning the story of Esther and...