Box Week Wrap Up
Box Week was great! In fact, some of the classes are still playing with the boxes this week. The children, with help from their teachers, built some amazing box creations. Imagination is a wonderful thing when given the opportunity to show itself! Here is a wrap-up of the week's excitement.
The Tzavim apartment building
Peelim using "telescopes"
Peelim kids riding the bus
It's nap time in the Dubonim class
Dubonim's castle
Peelim shooting hoops
Tzavim tissue box slippers
Tzavim's train
Parparim robots
Barvazim painting boxes
Parparim dress-up
Kofim's rocketship
Exploring tunnels in Kofim
Crunched up in a Susim box
Working on the Barvazim plane
Parparim Meeting Time
Peek-A-Boo Tzavim
Susim closets
Parparim tunnel art
Looking through the Kofim window
Kofim painting buildings
Barvazim naptime